3Q Academy

Professional Association of 3Q Practitioners

Spiritual Intelligence Education brings spirituality up to date. The empirical basis of spiritual intelligence provides access to spirituality in a uniquely user-friendly form. By integrating science and spirituality, the SQ paradigm enables spiritual intelligence to be experienced directly, as an innate capability, without relying on religious faith. SQ is thus compatible with contemporary secular values. SQ education therefore has the potential over time to transform mainstream collective consciousness from within.

SQ realisation verifies beyond doubt that soul qualities (such as peace and joy and love) are fundamental properties of existence, not arbitrary subjective sentiments projected onto an indifferent universe, as the officially approved doctrine tells us to believe. SQ realisation banishes a mountain of fear, replacing a sense of separation with the feeling of being at home in the universe. This transformation of perspective creates a cascade of beneficial effects, from reducing anxiety, to improving functioning, enhancing relationships, clarifying meaning and purpose, stimulating contribution, creating co-operation and tolerance, and boosting fulfilment.

As 3Q Practitioners we therefore carry a deep responsibility to this and future generations, as instruments of a profound paradigm shift.

The lack of SQ education not only causes much personal suffering and aberration, it also undermines organisational productivity, and retards the evolution of world culture and politics in a progressive direction. Our work as 3Q Practitioners therefore has these three interwoven dimensions: individual, organisational and collective. By helping individuals and organisations to thrive, training in spiritual intelligence also contributes to the necessary shift in collective consciousness, equal to the global challenges and opportunities of the new millennium.

Ultimately, beyond building a business and earning a living, our calling is to be instruments of renewal, for individuals, for organisations, and for the collective. The 3Q Institute has therefore established the 3Q Academy as the professional association for 3Q Practitioners, providing a forum for mutual support and learning, to further our joint mission as Spiritual Intelligence Practitioners. It is a joyful responsibility we share. Together we can make a profound contribution.

Welcome to membership of the 3Q Academy.

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