Innovation Overdrive
Get into Innovation Overdrive with the help of real-time neurofeedback.
Guaranteed results verified by monitoring your own brain during and after training.
How can you increase Innovation?
In order to increase innovation you need to find the source of creativity.
That’s an inner resource.
To find this inner resource, it’s necessary to understand the basic operating system of human awareness.
Human Operating System
The basic operating system of human awareness is represented by the twin poles of attention. The ego is your body-mind self, or your false self. The ego is founded on identification with your body and mind at the object-pole of attention. The soul is your existential self, or your true self. The soul is founded on identification with awareness itself at the subject-pole of attention.
Ego Mistake
Without understanding your operating system, you can mistakenly waste time trying to make changes at the object-pole, when the key to transformation is to shift to the subject-pole, and thus activate the advanced capabilities of the higher dimension of your intelligence. The ego does this all the time. It’s the perennial ego mistake.
Three Dimensions of Intelligence
At the beginning of the scientific study of intelligence in the early 20th century, the definition of intelligence was restricted to intellectual intelligence (IQ). This narrow definition of intelligence prevailed until the mid 1980’s, when emotional intelligence (EQ) was identified as another dimension of intelligence of equal, or even greater, importance. Recent advances in psychology and neuroscience have identified spiritual intelligence (SQ) as a further dimension of intelligence that is even more powerful. Both IQ and EQ are important, but they are not sufficient to maintain top performance and provide enduring fulfilment. The next dimension of intelligence is also necessary.
Spiritual Intelligence
Spiritual intelligence is an innate dimension of intelligence to which everyone has access. Spiritual intelligence is not religious. It depends not on belief but on direct personal experience. As the intelligence of the true self, beyond the ego, spiritual intelligence has many benefits that exceed the scope of intellectual intelligence and emotional intelligence. Freedom from ego grants wisdom and clarity of vision, combined with more empathy and compassion, which increases creativity and intuition, and results in greater personal fulfilment and better performance on important life skills and work skills. Spiritual intelligence therefore represents the most powerful resource for personal and professional growth and fulfilment.
Location of Inner Resources
Your inner resources are located at the subject-pole of attention, which activates the spiritual dimension of intelligence. This is where you will find the key to innovation.
You need a method to get to the subject-pole instantly in any circumstances in order to get into INNOVATION OVERDRIVE whenever you want.
And we have a method for that – the fastest and most effective method based on the neuroscience of high performance: the 3Q Method.
The 3Q Method
The 3Q Method is a simple, rapid, and highly effective three-step process that shifts from your ego to your true self, your soul, and thus activates your spiritual intelligence. The MindMaster Experience course uses the 3Q Method to get you into INNOVATION OVERDRIVE by enabling you to access the full range of your intelligence, in the form of spiritual intelligence (SQ) combined with emotional intelligence (EQ) and intellectual intelligence (IQ).
Vertical and Horizontal
Spiritual intelligence represents vertical development because SQ is an advancement in spiritual realisation that transcends the ego. By contrast, the exercise of IQ and EQ in the absence of SQ are extensions of the ego, and therefore represent horizontal development.
Strategic and Tactical
Spiritual intelligence is sometimes known as Strategic Intelligence, in contrast to Tactical Intelligence, which is IQ and EQ. That’s because IQ and EQ are about HOW to do things (tactics), whereas SQ is about WHY to do things (strategy). Tactical intelligence is horizontal development and Strategic intelligence is vertical.
Rapid Learning
On the MindMaster Experience, you will learn the 3Q Method rapidly because you have the benefit of neurofeedback from a brain-sensing headband which allows you to see your own brain activity in real time. A free headband is included in the cost of the course when you sign up for the MindMaster Experience.
Yours to Keep
The brain-monitoring headband is yours to keep after the end of the course. You will find the headband useful after the course is over, as you continue to develop your capabilities beyond the stage you reached at the end of the course.
Verified by Neuroscience
By the end of the MindMaster Experience, after only ten minutes practice with the headband per day for three months, the EEG data from your headband will verify that you have developed your brain to be able to activate your INNOVATION OVERDRIVE at will, by having easy access to your 3Q intelligence in any circumstances.
Enrol Now and Start Today!
See below for details
Revolutionary Course
For the first time ever, an online course offers the means of brain development with the assistance of neurofeedback, and with verification of results by neuroscience. This is an enormous technological advantage compared to any other online course. But that’s not all.
This course excels not only in technology but also in methodology. The MindMaster Experience teaches the 3Q Method, which is the fastest and most effective brain training method for the purpose of developing your creativity and innovation skills.
The evidence-based foundation of the MindMaster Experience, both in technology and in methodology, guarantees that what you are learning has the backing of modern science. For both these reasons, the MindMaster Experience is a unique and revolutionary course.
Brain-Monitoring Headband
To assist you to get into innovation overdrive, the MindMaster Experience uses a brain-monitoring headband. The headband is attached via bluetooth to an app on your phone. When you wear the brain-monitoring headband you get a real-time display of your brain activity on your phone screen. Your instructors on the MindMaster Experience also monitor your brain activity online while you are wearing the headband.
By monitoring your own brain activity you will learn rapidly how to use the 3Q Method to access your powers of innovation. In the process, the record of your brain activity will verify that you have developed your brain’s ability to generate innovative solutions. In only 10 minutes per day over the three months duration of the MindMaster Experience, you will develop your powers of innovation to a high degree.
Recent research in neuroscience has revealed that new brain cells are produced throughout the life span, especially with increased activity in certain parts of the brain. The 3Q Method activates these particular parts of the brain and stimulates the process of neurogenesis, resulting in the generation of new brain cells that can be used to repair old brain circuits and build new ones.
The 3Q Method employs neuroplasticity, which re-wires the brain according to how you use your attention. Studies show that meditation can rewire the brain in a matter of a few weeks. By using the 3Q Method for a mere 10 minutes per day for the three months duration of the MindMaster Experience, you are rewiring your brain for creativity and strengthening your brain’s capacity for innovation.
Permanent Results
Your brain development results persist beyond the sessions of the MindMaster Experience course, and after the end of the course. Studies in neuroscience show that the design of the 3Q Method ensures that you will build new brain structure that strengthens your 3Q neural network. This is due to the fact that when you maintain any state of awareness for 15 seconds or more continuously, your brain transfers the experience from short-term memory to long-term memory. The shift to long-term memory is accomplished by building new brain structure that supports continued access to the experience. Consequently, the MindMaster Experience will evolve your brain into a higher state of functioning which will enable you to access your creativity with ease and become a master of innovation.
MindMaster Experience
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Structure of the Course
The MindMaster Experience is a three month course that requires 10 minutes practice per day with the brain-monitoring headband. In addition there are a number of short videos to watch explaining the fundamentals of the 3Q Method.
Content of the Course
The first week of the MindMaster Experience is taken up with several introductory videos. From the second week onwards, you will begin using the brain-monitoring headband. The headband is provided at no extra charge and will be delivered to you one week after the beginning of the course. Daily 10 minute sessions with the headband are done in association with videos that guide you through the 3Q Method. The 10 minute daily sessions can be completed at any time to suit your schedule.
Mentoring Program
Every two weeks on the MindMaster Experience course you are invited to attend a live online Mentoring session with others who are training in the 3Q Method. The Mentoring sessions are an opportunity to have your questions answered live by the course instructors, and to get guidance and support in applying what you are learning to your life. If you are unable to attend the Mentoring sessions live, recordings will be available that you can watch at your convenience.
Monitoring of Progress
The brain-sensing headband allows you to monitor your own progress in developing the creative skills responsible for innovation. Your progress is supervised by the course instructors, who are in a position to guide you personally, as required, because they have access to your brain monitoring data. The course instructors will give you feedback and guidance during the course about your progress in developing the brain capability for creativity and innovation. Once the course is over, your course instructors will no longer have access to your brain monitoring data when you use the headband.
Pre-training and Post-training
Neurological Test
Before training starts with the 3Q Method, you will take a short test with the headband to assess your current brain function. After training for three months on the MindMaster Experience course, you will be tested again to reveal the gains you have made in brain development since the course began.
Certificate of Completion
You will receive a Certificate of Completion together with verification of your brain development based on the neurological evidence from your brain monitoring data.
By completing the MindMaster Experience course, you are guaranteed to develop your brain capability for creativity and innovation, as confirmed by your brain-monitoring data. If after completing the course, your brain monitoring data does not confirm baseline 3Q capability, your money will be refunded.
How Can We Offer Such a Guarantee?
We can provide this Guarantee because we know from studies in neuroscience that the MindMaster Experience develops your 3Q brain circuitry by the process of neuroplasticity. A 3Q brain has the neural capacity to experience spiritual intelligence at will in any circumstances. In addition, the baseline of awareness in the 3Q brain is polarised to the subject-pole not the object-pole, even when not activating SQ intentionally. This means that your starting position in most moments has shifted beyond your ego. The evidence for this is confirmed by numerous studies in neuroscience and transpersonal psychology (see references). So we can be confidant about our Guarantee because we know that after you complete the MindMaster Experience (10 minutes practice of the 3Q Method per day for three months), the data from your headband will verify that you have developed baseline 3Q capability, defined as the ability to activate 3Q at will.
Course Leaders
Richard Griffiths
Richard Griffiths is a psychologist and corporate trainer. He is the founder of the 3Q Institute and a former National Chairman of the Transpersonal Psychology Section of the Australian Psychological Society. His published work represents his findings from a lifetime of research and practice as a psychologist and spiritual practitioner. Alongside his research in psychology, he maintained a personal spiritual practice, and had first hand experience of a number of different spiritual traditions. Eventually a secular synthesis of psychology and spirituality emerged from his research in the form of the spiritual intelligence paradigm, which is the foundation of training at the 3Q Institute.

Bastianela Bente
Bastianela Bente is a speaker, trainer, and coach, and a certified 3Q Practitioner. She is the founder and managing director of the Unifiq Institute for Self-Awareness in Bucharest. Bastianela runs 3Q programs for the public and for business, both in-person and online. She also speaks about 3Q on national television in Romania. Her work as a teacher of spiritual intelligence draws on twenty years of research and experience as a yoga practitioner and meditator. Bastianela says “I love to share the science and practice of spiritual intelligence with people from all over the world, as the remedy for all kinds of unnecessary suffering, and as the most powerful means to find enduring fulfilment.”
What Others Are Saying
“This course provides a framework for understanding your own experience and for understanding the spiritual process. As a corporate lawyer of 25 years experience, this course has been invaluable. What I learned on this course has become the cornerstone of everything I do personally and professionally.”
Victoria Stewart
“A few years ago I can honestly say I didn’t know what spiritual intelligence was. I only knew what most other people know about human intelligence, IQ & EQ. I thought my success was primarily dedicated by my IQ, and that this couldn’t be altered. And, of course, I also didn’t fully appreciate the immense power that SQ could have on my life. Fortunately I now know differently and in doing so it has truly changed my life. Learning the 3Q method has enabled me to connect with myself and others on a far deeper level than I could ever comprehend. By exploring and deepening my SQ further I now feel at peace with myself, I feel centred, in control, I make better decisions and more quickly, my relationships have improved, I feel truly connected with myself and everything around me and I feel an inner confidence that I have never experienced before. The success, joy and rapid personal growth that I am experiencing is down to discovering and nurturing my SQ, of that I have no doubt. The really exciting part out of all of this is that there is still so much more to discover…”
Dr. Adrian Massey
“It has been an amazing journey of self-discovery during the completion of this course. I do believe that the 3Q process unlocks the power to unite mind, body and soul. It definitely emerges as a new paradigm of intelligence by putting our soul in command of our ego and ultimately infuses us with soul energy. I have no hesitation in recommending this course. It is the way forward in order to harness our strengths, help others and improve society by using a higher dimension of our intelligence.”
Anita DeMonte
“From a personal and professional perspective I have gained an immense amount of clarity and understanding about the issues I have been grappling with for most of my life. In my view this course has immense value for anyone wishing to gain deeper insight and understanding of their own nature.”
Jane Colebourn
“I’ve been on a spiritual journey my whole life (whether I was aware of it or not). Having consciously searched over the last 15 years for answers, I’ve read countless books & tried numerous methods to find inner & outer peace with really no sustained results or success. SQ education and practice has been the single most pivotal point in my journey thus far, to attain freedom and peace. Not only does this method offer immediate relief from the torturous and suffering ego, but consistent application (anytime, anywhere) causes a profound paradigm shift to your total perception of awareness. One of the greatest things about the 3Q method is that it is so simple to grasp. So easy, even I can do it (and if I can do it, anyone can!). Something else that I really appreciated about this research and study, is the non secular approach which allows you to maintain (if you wish) any previous spiritual or religious beliefs/views (&/or atheist views are welcome too). This method will help dissolve or release you from any old baggage that is not serving you on the path to peace.”
Clint Ponte
“Have been waiting three months to put this comment… Wanted to be 100% certain, to be honest with others and me, and must admit that after 90 days of practice with this method, in all honesty, I can say without any doubts or regret that the source of true power and true happiness lies within mastering this method.”
Dominik Kacprowicz
MindMaster Experience
Think better Feel better Relate better Perform better
Total Cost of the MindMaster Experience
with free brain-monitoring headband
USD 1,395
Enrol Now
and Begin Immediately!
Instalment Option
4 x $375
Four months at $375 per month
MindMaster Experience
with free brain-monitoring headband
Get into Innovation Overdrive Now!
Guaranteed results verified by neuroscience
or your money back
Show References
Research Studies on Spiritual Intelligence
- The Roles of IQ, EQ and SQ in Turbulent Times
- Practical Application of Spiritual Intelligence in the Workplace | COTRUGLI Business School
- What the Best Bosses do to Impact Retention
- 3Q High Performance Methodology
- Spiritual Intelligence and Creativity
Studies demonstrating the Benefits of Meditation that also apply to 3Q:
- Harvard Unveils MRI Study Proving Meditation Literally Rebuilds The Brain’s Grey Matter In 8 Weeks
- A Neuroscientist Explains How Meditation Changes Your Brain
- The 23 Amazing Benefits of Mindfulness for Body and Brain
Studies showing that 3Q abilities (like creativity and innovation) and 3Q values (like a deeper sense of purpose) increase job satisfaction and contribute to higher productivity:
- Purposeful Leaders Shown to Elevate Workplace
- Stop Engaging – Start Fulfilling: A New Era of Employee Engagement
- Spiritual Intelligence Increases Job Satisfaction
- Being happy at work really makes you more productive
Studies showing that a 3Q Organisational Culture improves Performance:
- The Five Elements of a Simply Irresistible Organisation
- How Great Leaders Create Trust
- High-Character Leadership Is The Key To Your Company’s Financial Success
- Effect of Spiritual Intelligence in Corporate Entrepreneurship
- Expression of Leaders Spiritual Intelligence in a Context of Organizations’ Services Quality: A Theoretical Approach
About Spiritual Intelligence (SQ)
- Zohar, D., Marshall, I. (2001) SQ: Connecting With Our Spiritual Intelligence
- Amramt, Y. (2007) The Seven Dimensions of Spiritual Intelligence
- Draper, B. (2010) Spiritual Intelligence: A New Way of Being
- Wilber, K. (2000) Integral Psychology: Consciousness, Spirit, Psychology
- Kelley, E. (2013) Irreducible Mind: Toward a Psychology for the 21st Century
SQ Sources
- Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shree (1980) Book of the Secrets
- Muktananda, S. (1978) Play of Consciousness
- Thomas a Kempis (1441) The Imitation of Christ
- Rastogi, T. (1982) Islamic Mysticism
- Tolle, E. (2004) The Power of Now
- Yogananda, P. (1945) Autobiography of a Yogi
- Aurobindo, Sri (1940) Integral Yoga
Cognitive Psychology
- Segal, Z. et al (2002) Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT)
- Fulton, P. et al (2005) Mindfulness and Psychotherapy
- Brown, K.W. (2003) The Benefits of being Present
- Griffiths, R. (2012) The Psychology of Spiritual Intelligence. The relevance of cognitive psychology to spiritual intelligence.
- Fairbairn, W.R.D. (1952) Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality.
- Greenberg, J & Mitchell, S. (1985) Object Relations in Psychoanalytic Theory.
Bion, W. R. (1970) Attention and Interpretation.
- Griffiths, R. (2012) The Psychology of Spiritual Intelligence. The relevance of psychoanalysis to spiritual intelligence.
Transpersonal Psychology
- Tart, C. (1977) Transpersonal Psychologies
- Wilber, K. (1999) Essays on Transpersonal Psychology
- Daniels, M. ( 2005) Shadow, Self, Spirit: Essays in Transpersonal Psychology
- Taylor, S. (2017) The Return of Perennial Perspectives? Why Transpersonal Psychology Should Remain Open to Essentialism. International Journal of Transpersonal Studies
- Griffiths, R. (2012) The Psychology of Spiritual Intelligence. The relevance of transpersonal psychology to spiritual intelligence.
- Zohar, D. & Marshall, I. (2001) SQ: Ultimate Intelligence
- Seil, F.J. (2008) Neural Plasticity and Regeneration
- Dehaene, S. (2002) The Neuroscience of Consciousness
- Newberg, A. (2014) Principles of Neurotheology
- Siegel, D.J. (2013) Interpersonal Neurobiology
- Griffiths, R. (2012) The Neuroscience of Spiritual Intelligence. The relevance of neuroscience to spiritual intelligence.
- Stoler, D.R. (2014) What Is Neurofeedback?
- Napoletano, M. (2016) Neurofeedback: Frequently Asked Questions
- Evans, J. R. (Editor) (2007) Handbook of Neurofeedback: Dynamics and Clinical Applications
- Yucha, C. (2008) Evidence-Based Practice in Biofeeback and Neurofeedback
- Linden, D. & Habes, I. (2002) Self-regulation of Emotion Networks with Neurofeedback in Patients with Depression
- Griffiths, R. (2018) 3Q Practitioner Training Course. The relevance of neurofeedback to spiritual intelligence.
Post-materialist Science
- Kuhn, T. (1970) The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
- Henry, J. (2008) The Scientific Revolution and the Origins of Modern Science
- Sheldrake, R. (2013) Science Set Free
- Haisch, B. (2012) The Purpose-Guided Universe: Believing in Einstein, Darwin, and God
- Manifesto For A Post-Materialist Science
- Griffiths, R. (2012) The Spiritual Intelligence Paradigm. The relationship between post-materialist science and spiritual intelligence.
Conscious Capitalism
- Berggruen, N & Cardels, N (2012) Intelligent Governance for the 21st Century
- The B Team (2015) The End of Business As Usual
- U.Lab (2015) Presencing Institute
- O’Brien, G (2014) The Role of Spiritual Intelligence in 21st Century Leadership
- Griffiths, R. (2012) The Full Spectrum of Intelligence. The relationship between spiritual intelligence and conscious capitalism.
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