Contemporary Spirituality Contemporary spirituality is secular not religious. Religious spirituality is based on ancient beliefs that have insufficient evidence to support them because if the evidence was sufficient they would be facts not beliefs. Whereas secular spirituality is not based on beliefs but on experience and knowledge, backed by evidence from related fields of scientific [...]
Excerpt from The Full Spectrum of Intelligence The ultimate dimension of intelligence beyond SQ (spiritual intelligence) is TQ (transcendental intelligence). TQ is the intelligence of transcendental consciousness (non-individuated self-existing self-radiant consciousness). However, if you merely believe in the existence of a transcendental dimension of reality, as an article of faith, without actually experiencing transcendental consciousness [...]
Do you want to accelerate your own personal and spiritual growth, and teach others to do the same? The 3Q Practitioner Training Course trains and certifies Spiritual Intelligence Practitioners. Spiritual Intelligence is a higher dimension of intelligence beyond the ego that has access to the advanced capabilities of the true self. This Course is based [...]
Spiritual Intelligence Spiritual intelligence is a higher dimension of intelligence beyond the ego that has access to the advanced qualities and capabilities of the true self, in the form of wisdom, compassion, integrity, joy, love, creativity, and peace. Spiritual intelligence is not religious and does not require beliefs of any kind. Spiritual intelligence is entirely [...]
Do you want to accelerate your own personal and spiritual growth, and teach others to do the same? The 3Q Practitioner Training Course trains and certifies Spiritual Intelligence Practitioners. Spiritual Intelligence is a higher dimension of intelligence beyond the ego that has access to the advanced capabilities of the true self. This Course is based [...]
We are accustomed to thinking of events, including ourselves, as conditioned and created by the past. We have the evidence from materialist science to confirm that everything has a pre-existing cause. However we often forget that post-materialist science affirms an equal and opposite dynamic: in addition to being pushed by the past, we are also [...]
Do you want to accelerate your own personal and spiritual growth, and teach others to do the same? The 3Q Practitioner Training Course trains and certifies Spiritual Intelligence Practitioners. Spiritual intelligence is a higher dimension of intelligence beyond the ego that has access to the advanced capabilities of the true self. This Course is based [...]
Spiritual intelligence is a higher dimension of intelligence beyond the ego that has access to the advanced capabilities of true self. As the intelligence of the true self beyond the ego, spiritual intelligence (SQ) has many benefits that exceed the scope of intellectual intelligence (IQ) and emotional intelligence (EQ). Freedom from ego grants wisdom and [...]
The scientific understanding of the world has progressed over many centuries. It’s an epic story of adventure and discovery, as established paradigms were disrupted and replaced by new paradigms, based on newly found evidence. The progression from one paradigm to the next occurred in many different fields: in astronomy, the geocentric theory of Ptolemy from [...]
Global Conference on Education & Teaching June 2021, Vienna, Austria Historically, the education system has been focused primarily on developing IQ, or intellectual intelligence. IQ manages facts and information, using logic and rational analysis. Less time and attention is given in schools to developing EQ skills. EQ is emotional intelligence, which is necessary to feel [...]
The Meaning of the Word “Yoga” The Meaning of the word “Yoga” is “to join” or “to yoke” or ‘to unite”. The definition of Yoga as “union” is associated more precisely with the union between the individual and the divine. Different Types of Yoga There are a number of different types of Yoga: Hatha Yoga [...]
Business is changing. Business practices that don’t serve a higher purpose beyond generating profits are being left behind, as more people “shop with their values.” This radical shift in the way business is done requires a new type of leader and a new type of organisation for a sustainable future. The new type of leader [...]
The Spiritual Intelligence Study Group is open to everyone who wants to learn more about spiritual intelligence. One of the benefits of joining the Study Group is that members are able to meet others who have a similar interest in spiritual intelligence. The Study Group features videos and articles and programs that are new and [...]
Why is Spiritual Realisation Regarded as Difficult? We now know that spiritual realisation is easy. But historically spiritual realisation was regarded as difficult because until recently people didn’t know about the human operating system (humanOS) and they didn’t know how to navigate the humanOS with ease and precision. But now we do know! Recent advances [...]
Instant meditation sounds like a contradiction in terms. That’s because meditation is usually regarded as an exercise that requires an extended period of time (20 minutes or more). But this is a misunderstanding. Meditation is the state of being consciousness itself instead of being the thinking mind, which is the result of a shift in [...]
What if you could train your brain to improve your performance and increase your fulfilment? What if your attempts to improve yourself can be self-defeating if you don’t understand your own operating system? What if there was a map of your operating system that you can use to navigate the jungle of your mind’s impulses, [...]
3Q Practitioner Training Course Transpersonal Coach Training Program The 3Q Practitioner Training Course trains and certifies Spiritual Intelligence Practitioners. Spiritual intelligence is a higher dimension of intelligence beyond the ego that has access to the advanced capabilities of the true self. This six month online Practitioner course is based on secular spirituality not on religious [...]
Spiritual intelligence is emerging as a new paradigm of intelligence, with applications in numerous fields. The top ten features of spiritual intelligence are summarised below. Top Ten Features of Spiritual Intelligence 1. Secular Spirituality As an innate dimension of intelligence, SQ represents a secular form of spirituality that everyone can access. SQ methodology is a [...]
The SQ Portal The SQ Portal represents the three steps from ego to soul, at the opposite pole of attention, which activate spiritual intelligence. Step 1 of the SQ Portal exercise IQ, by noticing the subject-pole of attention. Step 2 exercises EQ, by feeling the qualities of the subject-pole of attention. Step 3 exercises SQ, [...]
New Paradigm As a new synthesis of psychology and spirituality, the SQ paradigm clarifies how the spiritual dimension of intelligence can be experienced directly as an innate capability without resort to religious faith [1]. The evidence for spiritual intelligence is drawn from direct personal experience and from the findings of scientific research [2]. The SQ [...]
Mindfulness Today Mindfulness is widely used as a form of meditation. One of the advantages of Mindfulness is that it can be easily used in the workplace without interfering with work activities. This is an advantage that Mindfulness shares with Spiritual Intelligence. Mindfulness and Spiritual Intelligence have much in common, but there are also significant [...]
Benefits of Spiritual Intelligence Spiritual intelligence is an innate dimension of intelligence that everyone can learn to use. As a higher dimension of intelligence with advanced capabilities, SQ has great personal and social benefits. The qualities of spiritual intelligence are experienced in the form of wisdom, compassion, integrity, joy, love, creativity, and peace. However, SQ is [...]
Comments and Replies Comment From The Full Spectrum of Intelligence I thought I’d share a quote with you from U.G. Krishnamurti that pertains to your website, please don’t take offense. “You assume that there is such a issue as truth, you assume that there is such a issue as reality (ultimate or otherwise) – it is [...]
Contemporary Spirituality The spiritual intelligence paradigm is based on a synthesis that integrates science and spirituality, and thus enables spiritual intelligence to be experienced directly, as an innate capability, without resort to religious beliefs. The SQ paradigm therefore legitimises spirituality in contemporary secular terms [1]. Beyond Theism Spiritual intelligence identifies with the inherent qualities of consciousness itself, which [...]
Human Operating System Just as a computer and a phone have an operating system, so does our own awareness. The twin poles of attention represent the basic operating system of human awareness [1]. Twin Poles of Attention The twin poles of attention are the subject-pole and the object-pole [2]. At the object-pole is everything we [...]
Non-physical Location The soul is the existential self, or the true self, in contrast to the ego, which is the body-mind self, or the false self. Usually it is assumed that the soul doesn’t have a location. A location is often thought to be a physical place, and the soul clearly isn’t physical. However a location can also be [...]
Comments and Replies Comment From The Spiritual Intelligence Paradigm Learn meditation – for self-improvement, health, joy, harmony, success, serenity, stress reduction, calm your life. Reply Meditation and spiritual intelligence are one and the same. The psychological process underlying meditation is the foundation of spiritual intelligence. The basic psychological process, common to all types and traditions of [...]
Three Modes of Brain Processing Neurological studies have established that the brain has three distinct processing modes, called serial, parallel and synchronous. Serial processing is associated with IQ functions in the left brain. Parallel processing is associated with EQ functions in the right brain. And synchronous processing is associated with SQ functions in the whole [...]
Comments and Replies Comment From Secular Spirituality I think you may be right in what you have said in this article. However there will be many people who will not agree with you. Reply As you point out, many people will disagree with what I have written here about the meaning of the word “spiritual.” However, [...]
Scientific Materialism From the early 17th century onwards, traditional faith-based religious explanations of the world gave way to empirical explanations based on newly discovered laws of physics. This enormous shift in collective consciousness established scientific materialism as the dominant paradigm of western civilisation [1]. According to this reductionist philosophy, which still prevails as the orthodox scientific view [...]
The Secular Meaning of “Spirituality” Over the centuries the term “spirituality” has accumulated a multitude of different meanings and associations, based on a vast number of different traditions. The spiritual intelligence paradigm [1] cuts through the confusion by defining “spirituality” in secular terms, with reference to the underlying experiential process common to all forms of spiritual realisation. This secular analysis of “spirituality” clarifies the [...]
Dimensions of Intelligence The full spectrum of intelligence is made up of five dimensions, from PQ to TQ, via EQ, IQ, and SQ. Physical intelligence is a property of all life-forms. PQ controls our breathing and regulates the autonomic nervous system. The coordination required to walk or put on a jacket is a PQ capability. After PQ [...]
Comments and Replies Comment From SQ and Self-esteem Are you sure? I have heard other things said about how to increase self-esteem. Many approaches to increasing self-esteem don’t seem to use spiritual intelligence. Would be great if you would elaborate for us. Reply Why is SQ the source of self-esteem? As you say in your comment, [...]
Comments and Replies Comment From SQ and Free Will Is there a purpose to this informative article, if you don’t mind me inquiring? Reply Thanks for your question. I don’t mind you inquiring. Your question gives me an opportunity to explain the purpose of this article. In fact this article has many purposes. Below is a [...]
Comments and Replies Comment From Secular Spirituality Are you really sure you know that for a fact about the meaning of the word “spiritual”? I was researching this issue and have come up with a few different viewpoints. Reply There are certainly many different viewpoints on the meaning of the word “spiritual”. Among religious believers of [...]
Comments and Replies Comment From Origins of the Spiritual Intelligence Paradigm Thanks, I’ve been looking for info about this subject for ages, and yours is the best I have discovered till now. But what about the bottom line? Are you sure about the source? Reply Yes, I’m sure about the source of this information. The articles [...]
Fragile Self-esteem The ego‘s self-esteem is fragile and unreliable, because it depends on changing circumstances at the object-pole of attention. But the soul‘s self-esteem is constant, secure and complete, because it depends on the native qualities of consciousness itself at the subject-pole of attention, which are not modified by anything at the object-pole of attention. Spiritual intelligence [...]
Blocked by the Ego Intuition is blocked by the ego, and enabled by the soul [1]. The ego is identified with the thinking mind at the object-pole of attention, which binds attention to the step-by-step process of thought. But the soul is not confined to the ego’s bit-by-bit mode of comprehension. As consciousness itself, at the subject-pole of attention, the soul [...]
The Ego Has No Free Will The ego and the soul are located at opposite poles of attention [ref]. The ego identifies with the products of IQ and EQ at the object-pole of attention, in the form of perceptions, thoughts, emotions, memories, beliefs etc. The ego is therefore defined and controlled by whatever objects of attention with [...]
State of Limitation Creativity is play of the soul, not the work of the ego. The ego feels dissatisfied and insufficient, because it is identified with qualities of limitation at the object-pole of attention, in the form of states of body and mind. But the soul feels harmonious and fulfilled, because it is identified with the native qualities of consciousness [...]
From Ego to Soul The ego and the soul are located at opposite poles of attention. The ego is identified with states of body and mind at the object-pole of attention, and the soul is identified with consciousness itself at the subject-pole of attention. Consciousness Itself Consciousness itself, which is otherwise known as the soul, is [...]
Three Dimensions The diagram above illustrates three dimensions of intelligence, corresponding to intellectual intelligence (IQ), emotional intelligence (EQ), and spiritual intelligence (SQ). Ego and Soul As a higher dimension of intelligence, SQ replaces the ego (the body-mind-self) with the soul (consciousness itself), both as the seat of self-identity, and as the governor of IQ and EQ. SQ therefore [...]
Comments and Replies Comment From Spiritual Intelligence and Intuition Too late, we are all doomed according to the men who know. Who are we to argue? May as well make the best of what time we have left. Reply The “men who know” told us lots of stuff. For example, in the 19th century, when railways [...]
Science of the Soul A synthesis of findings from related fields of scientific research presents the following evidence for the existence of an advanced dimension of intelligence beyond IQ and EQ, called SQ or spiritual intelligence. At the outset, some definitions are required. The ego is the sense of self associated with identification with the [...]
Human Identity Human identity is commonly assumed to be single and indivisible. However, on closer inspection of lived experience, it becomes evident that human identity has two fundamental and distinct domains: object-pole identity and subject-pole identity. These two poles of human identity are otherwise known as body-mind identity and existential identity which corresponds respectively to [...]
Spiritual Psychology Spiritual psychology belongs to the field of transpersonal psychology [1], which developed from earlier schools of psychology, including psychoanalysis [2], and humanistic psychology [3]. Transpersonal psychology formulates new concepts, based on evidence, to describe and integrate spiritual experiences [4] within modern psychological theory. Ego and Soul Spiritual psychology identifies the soul as the existential self, in [...]
Definition of Spiritual Intelligence Spiritual intelligence is a higher dimension of intelligence beyond the ego that has access to the mature qualities and advanced capabilities of the true self, in the form of wisdom, compassion, integrity, joy, love, creativity, and peace. Spiritual intelligence uncovers a deeper sense of meaning and purpose, and improves a wide [...]
Ego The ego is identified with the thinking mind at the object-pole of attention, which confines awareness to habits of thought and emotion. The mission of the ego is to seek satisfaction from experiences at the object-pole of attention. Regardless of the particular thoughts and emotions of the moment, whether pleasant or unpleasant, the ego’s constant search is based on [...]
Secular Spirituality Traditionally the terms “soul” and “spirit” derived their meaning from religious beliefs. Consequently, both ideas have been rejected as non-scientific by the dominant materialist paradigm. But the SQ paradigm defines soul and spirit in contemporary secular terms, based on a psychological, neurological, and transpersonal synthesis [1]. Therefore “soul” and “spirit” no longer need [...]
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