The Essential Experience
When you activate a higher dimension of intelligence beyond the ego, you gain access to the qualities and capabilities of your true self. You can use the method taught in the 3Q Essentials online course to shift from ego to soul and activate your spiritual intelligence. This enables you to live your best life – to think better, feel better, relate better, and perform better.
Liberating Experience
The experience of spiritual intelligence is liberating because after activating your spiritual intelligence, your sense of self is no longer based on your thoughts, emotions, and reactions. Instead your sense of self is based on your presence, with its spacious and open-hearted feeling, free from the limits of the conditioned thought process, and free from the survival fear of the ego.
Secular Methodology
This Course is based on secular spirituality not on religious beliefs. Consequently, the methodology used to activate spiritual intelligence is not founded on articles of faith but on experience and knowledge, backed by evidence from related fields of scientific research.
Why This Course?
Spiritual intelligence is a practice and a philosophy that enriches your life, improves academic performance, enhances a wide range of life skills and work skills, builds better organisations, and ultimately creates a more just and caring world. You have probably read about other courses that offer benefits similar to the benefits described above. So why should you choose this course? The reason is that this course offers the fastest and most effective method to achieve these results using a secular science-based approach. This course is based on findings in psychology and neuroscience, corroborated by the discoveries of spiritual traditions. One of the reasons this approach is so powerful is that it identifies the human operating system.
Human Operating System

Human Operating System
The twin poles of attention represent the human operating system, with the ego at the object-pole, and the true self, the soul, or consciousness itself, at the subject-pole. Shifting from the object-pole to the subject-pole creates a corresponding shift from ego to soul, which activates the spiritual dimension of intelligence.
The Difference between Mindfulness and Spiritual Intelligence
Mindfulness and spiritual intelligence have much in common, but there are also significant differences. Mindfulness is the practice of simply observing your experience without judgement, which results in a sense of calm and composure. By contrast, spiritual intelligence is the practice of shifting from ego to the higher self in the context of all experience. This difference results in three main distinctions between Mindfulness and spiritual intelligence, which can be summarised under the headings of Ethics, Meaning and Purpose, and Existential Issues.
1. Ethics
Unlike spiritual intelligence, Mindfulness has no ethical dimension. Mindfulness simply instructs us to pay attention to what we are aware of without judgement. While abiding by this instruction, you can mindfully lie, cheat, and steal. There are no ethical implications of simply being aware of experience without judgement. In the original Buddhist context in which Mindfulness was taught it was accompanied by an admonition to live a right life, made up of right understanding, right intention, and right action, which involves inherently ethical demands. But in the western context in which Mindfulness is taught as a standalone discipline, the demand to live a right life is absent. By contrast, spiritual intelligence is inherently ethical because the experience of SQ is grounded in love and compassion, which are the foundation and guarantee of ethical conduct.
2. Meaning and Purpose
If you already have clarity on the meaning and purpose of your life, then Mindfulness can serve to remind you. But unlike spiritual intelligence, the practice of Mindfulness does not discover deeper meaning and purpose. Whereas spiritual intelligence discovers deeper meaning and purpose by virtue of shifting from the ego to the higher self.
3. Existential Issues
Unlike spiritual intelligence, Mindfulness does not address existential issues, such as the vitally important question of “Who am I?” This is because Mindfulness merely attends to the objects of consciousness, whereas spiritual intelligence attends to consciousness itself. In fact, spiritual intelligence is about being consciousness itself, regardless of the objects of consciousness. This focus on being consciousness itself reveals all the answers to existential questions. A deeper sense of meaning and purpose actually depends on answers to such existential questions.
For the above reasons, spiritual intelligence is more comprehensive than Mindfulness, because SQ includes and exceeds the benefits of Mindfulness.
Why is Spiritual Awakening Regarded as Difficult?
Now we know that spiritual awakening is easy, but historically spiritual awakening was regarded as difficult. That’s because until recently people didn’t know about the human operating system (hOS) and they didn’t know how to navigate the hOS with ease and precision. But now we do know! Recent advances in psychology and neuroscience have identified the basic operating system of human awareness, and discovered a simple way to unlock the spiritual dimension of intelligence for instant spiritual realisation.
Course Content
The 3Q Essentials online course consists of pre-recorded videos, as described below. There are six pre-recorded videos of about an hour each. You receive one video per week for the duration of the course. The Essential Experience also includes the 3Q Mentoring program, which is designed to help you get the most out of the course material.
Course Outline
Module 1
The Human Operating System
The basic operating system of human awareness is represented by the twin poles of attention. The ego and the soul are located at opposite poles. Learn how to shift from ego to soul and activate spiritual intelligence.
Module 2
Benefits of Spiritual Intelligence
The benefits of spiritual intelligence comprise the qualities and capabilities of the higher self, or the soul. SQ improves IQ and increases EQ. Spiritual intelligence is the high performance dimension of intelligence.
Module 3
The Spiritual Intelligence Paradigm
Spiritual intelligence is a new paradigm that unites psychology and spirituality based on the results of scientific research corroborated by the findings of spiritual traditions.
Module 4
Your brain develops according to how you use it. This is the meaning of neuroplasticity. Learn to activate your spiritual intelligence and teach your brain how to maintain it in any circumstances.
Module 5
Mindfulness and Spiritual Intelligence
Mindfulness is one of the faculties of spiritual intelligence. In this module we examine how 3Q includes and goes beyond mindfulness. In addition we compare emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence.
Module 6
Upgrade your Brain to 3Q
The 3Q brain represents a real brain upgrade. By activating a higher dimension of intelligence that is senior to other dimensions, 3Q accelerates personal development in the direction of human evolution. Spiritual intelligence is emerging as the new paradigm of the third millennium.
Course Creator/strong>

Richard Griffiths is a psychologist, researcher, author, and trainer, whose mission is to provide education and training in secular spirituality, for the benefit of individuals, organisations and the community, and in preparation and support for the emerging next stage of collective consciousness. He is the founder of the 3Q Institute for Education and Training in Secular Spirituality, and former National Chairman of the Transpersonal Psychology Section of the Australian Psychological Society. Drawing on his decades of research in psychology and spirituality, he created a new framework that unites ancient spiritual wisdom with modern psychological knowledge, resulting in a new understanding of the human operating system, and a new method of experiencing spiritual intelligence that works instantly, among other significant innovations. His groundbreaking research on secular spiritual intelligence passed academic peer review, and helped to establish secular spirituality as a legitimate field of scientific investigation. He received a global Award for Outstanding Leadership in Education, and has given presentations on secular spiritual intelligence at international conferences, like the Conference on Advanced Research in Education and the Global Conference on Education and Teaching.
What Others Are Saying
“This course provides a framework for understanding your own experience and for understanding the spiritual process. As a corporate lawyer of 25 years experience, this course has been invaluable. What I learned on this course has become the cornerstone of everything I do personally and professionally.”
Victoria Stewart
“A few years ago I can honestly say I didn’t know what spiritual intelligence was. I only knew what most other people know about human intelligence, IQ & EQ. I thought my success was primarily dedicated by my IQ, and that this couldn’t be altered. And, of course, I also didn’t fully appreciate the immense power that SQ could have on my life. Fortunately I now know differently and in doing so it has truly changed my life. Learning the 3Q method has enabled me to connect with myself and others on a far deeper level than I could ever comprehend. By exploring and deepening my SQ further I now feel at peace with myself, I feel centred, in control, I make better decisions and more quickly, my relationships have improved, I feel truly connected with myself and everything around me and I feel an inner confidence that I have never experienced before. The success, joy and rapid personal growth that I am experiencing is down to discovering and nurturing my SQ, of that I have no doubt. The really exciting part out of all of this is that there is still so much more to discover…”
Dr. Adrian Massey
“It has been an amazing journey of self-discovery during the completion of this course. I do believe that the 3Q process unlocks the power to unite mind, body and soul. It definitely emerges as a new paradigm of intelligence by putting our soul in command of our ego and ultimately infuses us with soul energy. I have no hesitation in recommending this course. It is the way forward in order to harness our strengths, help others and improve society by using a higher dimension of our intelligence.”
Anita DeMonte
“From a personal and professional perspective I have gained an immense amount of clarity and understanding about the issues I have been grappling with for most of my life. In my view this course has immense value for anyone wishing to gain deeper insight and understanding of their own nature.”
Jane Colebourn
“I’ve been on a spiritual journey my whole life (whether I was aware of it or not). Having consciously searched over the last 15 years for answers, I’ve read countless books & tried numerous methods to find inner & outer peace with really no sustained results or success. SQ education and practice has been the single most pivotal point in my journey thus far, to attain freedom and peace. Not only does this method offer immediate relief from the torturous and suffering ego, but consistent application (anytime, anywhere) causes a profound paradigm shift to your total perception of awareness. One of the greatest things about the 3Q method is that it is so simple to grasp. So easy, even I can do it (and if I can do it, anyone can!). Something else that I really appreciated about this research and study, is the non secular approach which allows you to maintain (if you wish) any previous spiritual or religious beliefs/views (&/or atheist views are welcome too). This method will help dissolve or release you from any old baggage that is not serving you on the path to peace.”
Clint Ponte
“Have been waiting three months to put this comment… Wanted to be 100% certain, to be honest with others and me, and must admit that after 90 days of practice with this method, in all honesty, I can say without any doubts or regret that the source of true power and true happiness lies within mastering this method.”
Dominik Kacprowicz
The Essential Experience
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The 3Q Essentials online course
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at school, college, and university.
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for students at school, college, or university.