SQ Education Level 1

New Paradigm As a new synthesis of psychology and spirituality, the SQ paradigm clarifies how the spiritual dimension of intelligence can be experienced directly as an innate capability without resort to religious faith [1]. The evidence for spiritual intelligence is drawn from direct personal experience and from the findings of scientific research [2]. The SQ [...]

Benefits of Spiritual Intelligence Spiritual intelligence is an innate dimension of intelligence that everyone can learn to use. As a higher dimension of intelligence with advanced capabilities, SQ has great personal and social benefits. The qualities of spiritual intelligence are experienced in the form of wisdom, compassion, integrity, joy, love, creativity, and peace. However, SQ is [...]

Ego and Soul

Human Operating System Just as a computer and a phone have an operating system, so does our own awareness. The twin poles of attention represent the basic operating system of human awareness [1]. Twin Poles of Attention The twin poles of attention are the subject-pole and the object-pole [2]. At the object-pole is everything we [...]

The Location of the Soul

Non-physical Location The soul is the existential self, or the true self, in contrast to the ego, which is the body-mind self, or the false self. Usually it is assumed that the soul doesn’t have a location. A location is often thought to be a physical place, and the soul clearly isn’t physical. However a location can also be [...]

Three Modes of Brain Processing Neurological studies have established that the brain has three distinct processing modes, called serial, parallel and synchronous. Serial processing is associated with IQ functions in the left brain. Parallel processing is associated with EQ functions in the right brain. And synchronous processing is associated with SQ functions in the whole [...]

Scientific Materialism From the early 17th century onwards, traditional faith-based religious explanations of the world gave way to empirical explanations based on newly discovered laws of physics. This enormous shift in collective consciousness established scientific materialism as the dominant paradigm of western civilisation [1]. According to this reductionist philosophy, which still prevails as the orthodox scientific view [...]

Secular Spirituality

The Secular Meaning of “Spirituality” Over the centuries the term “spirituality” has accumulated a multitude of different meanings and associations, based on a vast number of different traditions. The spiritual intelligence paradigm [1] cuts through the confusion by defining “spirituality” in secular terms, with reference to the underlying experiential process common to all forms of spiritual realisation. This secular analysis of “spirituality” clarifies the [...]

Dimensions of Intelligence The full spectrum of intelligence is made up of five dimensions, from PQ to TQ, via EQ, IQ, and SQ. Physical intelligence is a property of all life-forms. PQ controls our breathing and regulates the autonomic nervous system. The coordination required to walk or put on a jacket is a PQ capability. After PQ [...]

Fragile Self-esteem The ego‘s self-esteem is fragile and unreliable, because it depends on changing circumstances at the object-pole of attention. But the soul‘s self-esteem is constant, secure and complete, because it depends on the native qualities of consciousness itself at the subject-pole of attention, which are not modified by anything at the object-pole of attention. Spiritual intelligence [...]

Blocked by the Ego Intuition is blocked by the ego, and enabled by the soul [1]. The ego is identified with the thinking mind at the object-pole of attention, which binds attention to the step-by-step process of thought. But the soul is not confined to the ego’s bit-by-bit mode of comprehension. As consciousness itself, at the subject-pole of attention, the soul [...]

The Ego Has No Free Will The ego and the soul are located at opposite poles of attention [ref]. The ego identifies with the products of IQ and EQ at the object-pole of attention, in the form of perceptions, thoughts, emotions, memories, beliefs etc. The ego is therefore defined and controlled by whatever objects of attention with [...]

State of Limitation Creativity is play of the soul, not the work of the ego. The ego feels dissatisfied and insufficient, because it is identified with qualities of limitation at the object-pole of attention, in the form of states of body and mind. But the soul feels harmonious and fulfilled, because it is identified with the native qualities of consciousness [...]

From Ego to Soul The ego and the soul are located at opposite poles of attention. The ego is identified with states of body and mind at the object-pole of attention, and the soul is identified with consciousness itself at the subject-pole of attention. Consciousness Itself Consciousness itself, which is otherwise known as the soul, is [...]

SQ repurposes IQ and EQ

Three Dimensions The diagram above illustrates three dimensions of intelligence, corresponding to intellectual intelligence (IQ), emotional intelligence (EQ), and spiritual intelligence (SQ). Ego and Soul As a higher dimension of intelligence, SQ replaces the ego (the body-mind-self) with the soul (consciousness itself), both as the seat of self-identity, and as the governor of IQ and EQ. SQ therefore [...]

Science of the Soul A synthesis of findings from related fields of scientific research presents the following evidence for the existence of an advanced dimension of intelligence beyond IQ and EQ, called SQ or spiritual intelligence. At the outset, some definitions are required. The ego is the sense of self associated with identification with the [...]

Definition of Spiritual Intelligence Spiritual intelligence is a higher dimension of intelligence beyond the ego that has access to the mature qualities and advanced capabilities of the true self, in the form of wisdom, compassion, integrity, joy, love, creativity, and peace. Spiritual intelligence uncovers a deeper sense of meaning and purpose, and improves a wide [...]

3Q Map of Attention The 3Q Map of Attention is an application of the psychology of spiritual realisation, which identifies the basic operating system of human awareness, in the form of the twin poles of attention. The 3Q Map of Attention is therefore essential to navigate the pathway from ego to soul, which activates spiritual [...]