Spiritual Intelligence and Intuition

Twi Poles of Attention

Human Operating System

Blocked by the Ego

Intuition is blocked by the ego, and enabled by the soul [1]. The ego is identified with the thinking mind at the object-pole of attention, which binds attention to the step-by-step process of thought. But the soul is not confined to the ego’s bit-by-bit mode of comprehension. As consciousness itself, at the subject-pole of attention, the soul is free from bondage to the thinking mind [2].

Enabled by the Soul

Consequently, the soul has the necessary free attention to be receptive to intuition, in the form of instant complete comprehension, prior to the step-by-step process of thought at the object-pole of attention. Intuition is therefore a faculty of spiritual intelligence, the intelligence of the soul.

Intuition is a faculty of spiritual intelligence.

How to Experience Spiritual Intelligence

Spiritual intelligence is easy to experience. We all experience SQ spontaneously at times. But spontaneous moments of SQ are rare and unpredictable. Therefore it’s important to know how to experience SQ intentionally. When you can engage your spiritual intelligence voluntarily, at any time of your own choosing, SQ becomes your most powerful personal resource. This video provides step-by-step instructions on how to activate SQ intentionally. Watch the video here.

Three Dimensions of Intelligence

Three Dimensions of Intelligence

3Q Training

As a powerful combination of three principal dimensions of intelligence, 3Q represents IQ and EQ in association with SQ. Studies in neuroscience reveal that the experience of spiritual intelligence is correlated with hemispheric synchronisation and whole brain activation [3]. The resulting whole-brain coherence optimises brain function and replaces the ego (the false self) with the soul (consciousness itself, the true self) by shifting from the object-pole of attention to the subject-pole of attention [4], which results in greater fulfilment, increased creativity, sharpened intuition, more empathy and compassion, and improved performance on a wide range of work skills and life skills. If you want to learn more, there is a Course on 3Q Training here.


The SQ paradigm is based on a synthesis combining the wisdom of ancient spiritual traditions with the findings of modern science, as summarised in this article here.


3Q Practitioner Training Course

Do you want to accelerate your own personal and spiritual growth, and teach others to do the same? The 3Q Practitioner Training Course trains and certifies Spiritual Intelligence Practitioners.

Spiritual Intelligence is a higher dimension of intelligence beyond the ego that has access to the advanced capabilities of the true self. This Course is based on secular spirituality not on religious beliefs. Consequently, the methodology used to activate spiritual intelligence is not founded on articles of faith but on experience and knowledge, backed by evidence from related fields of scientific research. Certified Practitioners are provided with the training materials to coach their clients in spiritual intelligence, and conduct workshops in spiritual intelligence for leaders and organisations, and for the general public.

As the intelligence of the true self beyond the ego, spiritual intelligence (SQ) has many benefits that exceed the scope of intellectual intelligence (IQ) and emotional intelligence (EQ). Spiritual intelligence relieves anxiety and depression and the extreme pain of meaninglessness and despair that is often associated with ego states of awareness. Freedom from ego, as experienced with SQ, grants wisdom and clarity of vision, combined with more empathy and compassion, which increases creativity and intuition, and results in greater personal fulfilment and better performance on important life skills and work skills. Spiritual intelligence therefore represents the most powerful resource for personal and professional growth and fulfilment.

Widespread adoption of spiritual intelligence as a personal code of conduct raises the standard of accountability in collective governance, in response to public demand. When standards in governments and corporations are based on spiritual intelligence, the energy of love will turn into a social and political force, as never before in history. Public training in spiritual intelligence therefore heralds a new era of human rights and social justice, which form the foundation for global cooperative community, shared prosperity, and world peace.

As a 3Q Practitioner you will be equipped to introduce spiritual intelligence in the context of contemporary secular culture, and contribute to the next stage in the evolution of collective consciousness. When a tipping point is reached, the emerging next stage of collective consciousness will result in global transformation, founded not on beliefs of any sort, or on government control, or on mass media narratives enforced by censorship of contrary views, but founded instead on the inherent qualities of consciousness itself, such as love, wisdom, and peace, which everyone can experience by activating their spiritual intelligence.

For more information about the 3Q Practitioner Training Course, click here.

© 2011 – 2024, Richard Griffiths.

Meet the Author

Richard Griffiths

Richard Griffiths is a psychologist, researcher, author, and trainer, whose mission is to provide education and training in secular spirituality, for the benefit of individuals, organisations and the community, and in preparation and support for the emerging next stage of collective consciousness. He is the founder of the 3Q Institute for Education and Training in Secular Spirituality, and former National Chairman of the Transpersonal Psychology Section of the Australian Psychological Society. Drawing on his decades of research in psychology and spirituality, he created a new framework that unites ancient spiritual wisdom with modern psychological knowledge, resulting in a new understanding of the human operating system, and a new method of experiencing spiritual intelligence that works instantly, among other significant innovations. His groundbreaking research on secular spiritual intelligence passed academic peer review, and helped to establish secular spirituality as a legitimate field of scientific investigation. He received a global Award for Outstanding Leadership in Education, and has given presentations on secular spiritual intelligence at international conferences, like the Conference on Advanced Research in Education and the Global Conference on Education and Teaching.

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