3Q Practitioner Training Course
Transpersonal Coach Training Program
The 3Q Practitioner Training Course trains and certifies Spiritual Intelligence Practitioners. Spiritual intelligence is a higher dimension of intelligence beyond the ego that has access to the advanced capabilities of the true self. This six month online Practitioner course is based on secular spirituality not on religious beliefs. Consequently, the methodology used to activate spiritual intelligence is not founded on articles of faith but on experience and knowledge, backed by evidence from related fields of scientific research. Certified Practitioners are provided with the training materials to coach their clients in spiritual intelligence, and conduct workshops in spiritual intelligence for leaders and organisations, and for the general public.
Personal Benefits of Spiritual Intelligence
As the intelligence of the true self beyond the ego, spiritual intelligence (SQ) has many benefits that exceed the scope of intellectual intelligence (IQ) and emotional intelligence (EQ). Spiritual intelligence relieves anxiety and depression and the extreme pain of meaninglessness and despair that is often associated with ego states of awareness. Freedom from ego, as experienced with SQ, grants wisdom and clarity of vision, combined with more empathy and compassion, which increases creativity and intuition, and results in greater personal fulfilment and better performance on important life skills and work skills. Spiritual intelligence therefore represents the most powerful resource for personal and professional growth and fulfilment.
Social SQ Benefits
Spiritual intelligence creates cooperation and tolerance between people, and between different groups in society, and between different cultures, religions, and nations. Widespread adoption of spiritual intelligence as a personal code of conduct raises the standard of accountability in collective governance in response to public demand. When standards in governments and corporations are based on spiritual intelligence, the energy of love will turn into a social and political force, as never before in history. Public training in spiritual intelligence therefore heralds a new era of human rights and social justice, which form the foundation for global cooperative community, shared prosperity, and world peace.
Corporate SQ Benefits
Research shows that when organisations invest in 3Q Training, creativity and innovation increase, employee engagement rises, and productivity grows [1]. 3Q Training also reforms corporate governance by creating a culture that conducts business according to the ethics of spiritual intelligence. Moreover, by inspiring employees with a deeper sense of meaning and purpose, 3Q Training aligns organisations with a social mission beyond the profit motive. Corporations thus realise their full potential not only to maximise productivity, but also to contribute to human wellbeing, by utilising the full range of their employees’ innate intelligence.

Human Operating System
3Q Methodology
Training in 3Q combines three principal dimensions of intelligence, which together represent the three Qs. The three Qs activate the whole brain, unlike IQ or EQ on their own, which are part-brain functions. By training the whole brain, 3Q Training unlocks full human capabilities and high performance skills. The following article describes the historical origins of 3Q whole-brain methodology: The Spiritual Intelligence Paradigm.
Scientific Foundations
The whole-brain methodology used to access 3Q is based on a synthesis of findings in post-materialist science from related fields of scientific research. For a summary of the scientific foundations of 3Q methodology, see The Psychology of Spiritual Intelligence.
Secular Spirituality
The core psychological process underlying all forms of practice in every spiritual tradition (except in TQ traditions) is the shift in identity from the object-pole to the subject-pole of attention. This shift in polarity replaces the ego with the soul as the seat of personal identity, and thus installs SQ as the governor of IQ and EQ. With the exception of TQ traditions, the shift from ego to soul underlies all forms of spiritual practice in every tradition. As a form of secular spirituality, SQ therefore represents generic spirituality, founded on experiential reality, prior to the superimposition of religious interpretations and beliefs.
Fast Track
The methodology used in 3Q training and coaching incorporates the latest scientific findings in cognitive psychology, transpersonal psychology, and neuroscience. 3Q practice uses the scientific principles of neuroplasticity to create a fast-track to a higher state of consciousness. Frequent 3Q practice rapidly builds a neural network optimised for advanced 3Q capabilities. The video above briefly outlines 3Q methodology.
Peer Reviewed
The 3Q model of spiritual intelligence combined with 3Q secular methodology passed academic peer-review before being accepted at the 2022 Oxford Conference on Advanced Research in Education.
Why Teach Spiritual Intelligence?
Teaching spiritual intelligence makes a powerful contribution to the world. As a 3Q Practitioner, you will train and coach people to activate a higher dimension of intelligence, which is indispensable for high performance and personal wellness. In the process you will help to introduce the next stage in the evolution of collective consciousness. Ultimately, the combined benefits of 3Q training and coaching, both individual and collective, contribute to an emerging new age of cooperation, tolerance, social justice, human rights, shared prosperity, and peace.
Who is this Course For?
The 3Q Practitioner Training Course is for you if you want to accelerate your own personal and spiritual growth, and if you want to help others do the same as a Trainer or Coach. This course will teach you how to activate a secular form of spiritual intelligence, and how to apply it to important life skills and work skills. Certified Practitioners are provided with the training materials to coach their clients in spiritual intelligence, and to conduct workshops in spiritual intelligence for leaders and organisations, and for the general public.
We’ve had hundreds of students go through this course including:
* Mental Health Practitioners and Clinicians
* Therapists and Counselors
* Psychologists and Psychiatrists
* Religious and Spiritual Leaders
* Trainers, Coaches and Healers
* Students and Researchers
If you are really interested in helping people, it’s advisable to do the work of developing your own spiritual intelligence, so that you can teach others to do likewise, based on your own experience of spiritual intelligence and on an understanding of the psychology and neuroscience of higher states of consciousness.
You are also welcome to do this course for your personal benefit, even if you do not intend to teach others.
Become a Leader in this New Transpersonal Methodology
By training as a 3Q Practitioner, you will develop an in-depth understanding of spiritual intelligence, and position yourself among the leaders in this emerging new field of transpersonal training and coaching. In the process you will benefit yourself, as well as your clients. You will also contribute to the world-wide roll-out of 3Q training and coaching, as a member of the 3Q Academy of Practitioners.
Whole Brain Training
3Q Whole Brain Training combines three principal dimensions of intelligence that activate the whole brain. After completing the 3Q Practitioner Training Course you will have learned this new method of accessing your full potential, and be equipped to teach others the fastest and most effective method of being your best self.
Science-based Methodology
3Q Training is a science-based training program, based on findings in multiple fields of scientific research, including cognitive psychology, psychoanalysis, transpersonal psychology, and neuroscience.
Revolution in Personal Growth
A revolution in personal growth is underway, introducing the next generation in brain training using brain-monitoring technology. This new Practitioner Course optionally uses neurofeedback from a brain-sensing headband for rapid learning and verified results. A free brain-monitoring headband is supplied with full payment for the course. The course can also be completed without the use of brain-monitoring technology.
Gain Expert Knowledge
Gain the expert knowledge to help people grow and form better human relationships, based on deeper meaning and purpose, resulting in high performance skills that can be applied in any situation.
Your Expertise Verified
Your expertise as a 3Q Practitioner is verified by the latest brain monitoring technology. Be among the first brain training leaders in the world with verified skills based on brain monitoring results.
Free Training Materials
Certified 3Q Practitioners are provided with the Training materials to teach others how to use the 3Q method to activate spiritual intelligence. At the end of this course you will have the tools to help others achieve personal and professional growth and fulfilment.
Human Operating System

Human Operating System
The twin poles of attention represent the human operating system, with the ego at the object-pole of attention, and the true self (the soul, or consciousness itself) at the subject-pole of attention. Shifting from identifying with the object-pole of attention to identifying with the subject-pole of attention creates a corresponding shift from ego to soul, which activates the spiritual dimension of intelligence.
Ego Mistake
Without understanding your human operating system, you can mistakenly waste time trying to make changes at the object-pole of attention, when the key to transformation is to shift to the subject-pole of attention, and thus activate the advanced capabilities of a higher dimension of your intelligence. The ego does this all the time. It’s the perennial ego mistake.
The 3Q Brain Upgrade
The neuroscience of spiritual intelligence reveals that the 3Q brain upgrade changes brain processing, resets brain frequencies, re-balances brain neurotransmitters, stimulates the process of neurogenesis that creates new brain cells, and builds new brain structure that supports the higher dimension of intelligence.
The 3Q brain upgrade optimises the brain for activating three principal dimensions of intelligence simultaneously (IQ+EQ+SQ). The default setting of attention in the 3Q brain is at the subject-pole of attention, not at the object-pole of attention. The 3Q brain therefore replaces the ego with the soul, both as the seat of self-identity and as the governor of IQ and EQ. The 3Q brain uses IQ and EQ not to pursue the goals of the ego, but to express the qualities of the soul, which are experienced at the subject-pole of attention in moments of presence, in the form of wisdom, compassion, integrity, joy, love, creativity, and peace.
Brain Processing
Brain processing in the 3Q brain shifts from exclusive use of serial and parallel processing to include synchronous processing. This change in processing is associated with the combination of spiritual intelligence with intellectual intelligence and emotional intelligence.
Brain Frequencies
The 3Q brain resets brain frequencies to include gamma frequencies and high alpha frequencies, which otherwise occur only rarely and at random. Gamma frequencies and high alpha frequencies are associated with activation of the spiritual dimension of intelligence.
Brain Neurotransmitters
The 3Q brain reduces neurotransmitters that generate fight and flight reactions, which are generally overused by the ego, and increases neurotransmitters that are associated with wellbeing and balance.
Brain Neurogenesis
The 3Q Method stimulates particular parts of the brain that are responsible for the process of neurogenesis, resulting in the generation of new brain cells that are used to strengthen existing brain networks and build new ones.
Brain Structure
The 3Q Method builds new brain structure that sustains the experience of spiritual intelligence. Consequently the more you use your 3Q, the more 3Q brain structure you create, and therefore the easier it is to activate your 3Q intelligence in any circumstances.
Danah Zohar
Zohar, D., Marshall, I. (2001) SQ: Connecting With Our Spiritual Intelligence
The Difference between Mindfulness and Spiritual Intelligence
Mindfulness and spiritual intelligence have much in common, but there are also significant differences. Mindfulness is the practice of simply observing your experience without judgement, which results in a sense of calm and composure. By contrast, spiritual intelligence is the practice of shifting from ego to the higher self in the context of all experience. This difference results in three main distinctions between Mindfulness and spiritual intelligence, which can be summarised under the headings of Ethics, Meaning and Purpose, and Existential Issues.
1. Ethics
Unlike spiritual intelligence, Mindfulness has no ethical dimension. Mindfulness simply instructs us to pay attention to what we are aware of without judgement. While abiding by this instruction, you can mindfully lie, cheat, and steal. There are no ethical implications of simply being aware of experience without judgement. In the original Buddhist context in which Mindfulness was taught it was accompanied by an admonition to live a right life, made up of right understanding, right intention, and right action, which involves inherently ethical demands. But in the western context in which Mindfulness is taught as a standalone discipline, the demand to live a right life is absent. By contrast, spiritual intelligence is inherently ethical because the experience of SQ is grounded in love and compassion, which are the foundation and guarantee of ethical conduct.
2. Meaning and Purpose
If you already have clarity on the meaning and purpose of your life, then Mindfulness can serve to remind you. But unlike spiritual intelligence, the practice of Mindfulness does not discover deeper meaning and purpose. Whereas spiritual intelligence discovers deeper meaning and purpose by virtue of shifting from the ego to your true self.
3. Existential Issues
Unlike spiritual intelligence, Mindfulness does not address existential issues, such as the vitally important question of “Who am I?” This is because Mindfulness merely attends to the objects of consciousness, whereas spiritual intelligence attends to consciousness itself. In fact, spiritual intelligence is about being consciousness itself, regardless of the objects of consciousness. This focus on being consciousness itself reveals all the answers to existential questions. A deeper sense of meaning and purpose actually depends on answers to such existential questions.
For the above reasons, spiritual intelligence is more comprehensive than Mindfulness, because SQ includes and exceeds the benefits of Mindfulness.
The 3Q Method to Activate Spiritual Intelligence

The 3Q Method
The 3Q Method is a simple, rapid, and highly effective three-step process that shifts from your ego to your true self, your soul, and thus activates your spiritual intelligence. This course uses the 3Q Method to perform a complete brain upgrade that enables you to access the full range of your intelligence by combining spiritual intelligence (SQ) with emotional intelligence (EQ) and intellectual intelligence (IQ).
Vertical and Horizontal
Spiritual intelligence represents vertical development because SQ is an advancement in spiritual realisation that transcends the ego. By contrast, the exercise of IQ and EQ in the absence of SQ are extensions of the ego, and therefore represent horizontal development.
Strategic and Tactical
Spiritual intelligence is sometimes known as strategic intelligence, in contrast to tactical intelligence, which is IQ and EQ. That’s because IQ and EQ are about HOW to do things (tactics), whereas SQ is about WHY we do things (strategy). Tactical intelligence is horizontal development and strategic intelligence is vertical development.
Rapid Learning
You will learn the 3Q Method rapidly on this course, because you will have the benefit of neurofeedback from a brain-sensing headband, which allows you to see your own brain activity in real time. A free headband is included in the cost of the course when you pay in full at the start of the course.
Yours to Keep
The brain-monitoring headband is yours to keep after the end of the course. You will find the headband useful after the course is over, as you continue to develop your capabilities beyond the stage you reached at the end of the course.
Verified by Neuroscience
By the end of this course, after only ten minutes practice with the headband per day, you will have developed the necessary brain capacity to experience spiritual intelligence in any circumstances.
Revolutionary Course
For the first time ever, an online course offers the means of brain development with the assistance of neurofeedback, and with verification of results by neuroscience. This is an enormous technological advantage compared to any other online course. But that’s not all.
This course excels not only in technology but also in methodology. This course teaches the 3Q Method, which is the fastest and most effective brain training method to activate spiritual intelligence and upgrade your whole brain.
The evidence-based foundation of this course, both in technology and in methodology, guarantees that what you are learning has the backing of modern science. For both these reasons, this is a unique and revolutionary course.
Brain-Monitoring Headband
To accelerate the 3Q brain upgrade, this course uses a brain-monitoring headband. The headband is attached via bluetooth to an app on your phone. When you wear the brain-monitoring headband you get a real-time display of your brain activity on your phone screen. Your instructors on the course also monitor your brain activity online while you are wearing the headband.
By monitoring your own brain activity you will learn rapidly how to use the 3Q Method to upgrade your brain. In the process, the record of your brain activity will verify that you have developed your brain’s ability to function at your best at any time. In only 10 minutes per day over the duration of the course, you will learn how to access your full potential by combining all three dimensions of intelligence in any circumstances. The results of completing this course represent a complete brain upgrade, which will enable you to think better, feel better, relate better, and perform better.
The 3Q Method employs neuroplasticity, which re-wires the brain according to how you use your attention. Studies show that meditation can rewire the brain in a matter of a few weeks. By using the 3Q Method for a mere 10 minutes per day for the duration of the course, you will rewire your brain to make SQ in combination with EQ and IQ easily accessible in any circumstances. This represents a complete brain upgrade in terms of brain processing, brain frequencies, brain neurotransmitters, neurogenesis, and brain structure.
Permanent Results
Your 3Q brain upgrade lasts beyond the end of the course. Studies in neuroscience show that the design of the 3Q Method ensures that you will build new brain structure that strengthens your 3Q neural network. This is due to the fact that when you maintain any state of awareness for 15 seconds or more continuously, your brain transfers the experience from short-term memory to long-term memory. The shift to long-term memory is accomplished by building new brain structure that supports continued access to the experience. Consequently, this course will evolve your brain into a higher state of functioning. When your 3Q brain upgrade is complete, your 3Q intelligence will be accessible in any circumstances.
The 3Q Difference
The 3Q difference is that once you have learned this new technique of instant transformation with the help of neurofeedback during training, you can use it to access the qualities and capabilities of your higher self instantly anytime and anywhere, on the spot.
Instant Transformation?
“Instant transformation?” Really? Can transformation be instant? Yes! Because transformation is transcendence, which is instant. It’s not possible to transcend anything gradually. Transcendence is a complete and all-pervading shift in dimension that can only be accomplished all at once or not at all.
Advanced Capabilities
The shift to spiritual intelligence by means of the 3Q Method occurs in an instant as you transcend your ego and the qualities and capabilities of your higher self spontaneously emerge as required in response to the present moment.
Upgrade to Next Level Intelligence

This course uses a new training technology that uses neurofeedback in real time to train your brain rapidly to shift to a transpersonal dimension of consciousness.
Transpersonal means beyond the ego, and beyond the narrow bounds of self-interest. Transpersonal consciousness therefore connects you empathically to others and to the world. Spiritual intelligence is the transpersonal dimension of intelligence.

Neurofeedback-assisted training bypasses all the usual road-blocks to developing and maintaining higher states of consciousness, such as distractions by thoughts, negative self-talk, emotional reactivity, and past maladaptive learning.
On this course you will learn how to activate spiritual intelligence instantly using a brain-sensing headband for rapid learning during training. The headband also provides scientific verification of transpersonal brain development based on your brain monitoring data.
Meditation Space
When you shift beyond ego you enter the meditation space. Traditional forms of meditation typically take 20 minutes or more to complete. But 3Q meditation is constructed differently, which is why it’s much faster.
Identity Shift
3Q meditation completes the core psychological process common to all forms of meditation, which is the identity shift beyond ego. This is an instantaneous shift which 3Q meditation completes directly, without pre-amble or delay. This is why 3Q meditation takes not 20 minutes or 10 minutes or even 5 minutes to complete, but merely a second.
What Are Brain Waves?

Brain waves are divided into five different bandwidths that correspond to the spectrum of human consciousness. Our brain waves change throughout the day and are part of a feedback loop that is influenced by what we’re doing, thinking, feeling, and being, at any given time.

Delta waves (0.1Hz to 3Hz) are the slowest brain waves and occur primarily during our deepest state of dreamless sleep.
Theta waves (4Hz to 7Hz) occur during sleep but can also occur in the deepest states of meditation.
Alpha waves (8Hz to 15Hz) are present when your brain is in an idling default-state typically created when you’re daydreaming or consciously practicing mindfulness or meditation. Alpha waves can also be created by doing aerobic exercise.
Beta waves (16Hz to 30Hz) typically dominate our normal waking states of consciousness and occur when attention is directed towards cognitive and other tasks. Beta is a ‘fast’ wave activity that is present when we are alert, attentive, focused, and engaged in problem solving or decision making.
Gamma waves (31Hz to 100Hz) typically hover around 40 Hz and are the fastest of the brain wave bandwidths. Gamma waves relate to simultaneous processing of information from different brain areas and correlate with a higher dimension of intelligence associated with insight, peak focus, and expanded consciousness.
On the Spot Transformation
3Q meditation is totally compatible with daily activities because it only takes a second to complete and it doesn’t interfere with whatever else you are doing, even if you are engaged in conversation. Whereas other forms of meditation typically involve seclusion, quiet, and repose for 20 minutes or more, which requires you to abandon all other activities for a significant period of time.
Fresh from the Source
When you apply 3Q instant meditation to whatever you are doing, you get the benefits of meditation delivered fresh from the source in direct response to the exact conditions of the present moment. Therefore, in any moment that is lived with 3Q, the grace of the soul forms your response, and the power and insight of the soul informs your decision.
Transformative Power
This means that the transformative power of your higher self to influence your life is intensified by instant 3Q meditation, in comparison with other meditation techniques that require inactivity and separation from the rest of life. This is because 3Q instant meditation can be combined with your lived experience in the present moment, whatever you are doing.
Meditation Re-Engineered
3Q meditation does not select elements from different meditation techniques and combine them to form a new meditation technique made up of a new combination of elements. Instead, 3Q identifies the essence of the meditation process itself, and creates a wholly new pathway from the ego to the meditation space. The 3Q Method is meditation re-engineered.
Course Content
The 3Q Practitioner Training Course is a six month online Course, composed of pre-recorded videos which can be watched at your own convenience, and a weekly live one-to-one online meeting which will be timed to fit into your schedule. In addition, some reading is required. The course requires about five hours per week devoted to study and practice for the duration of the Course.
Semester 1
Modules 1-12
3Q Methodology
The first semester on 3Q methodology introduces the twin poles of attention of the human operating system. You will learn how to use the 3Q portal to transition from one pole of attention to the other and activate spiritual intelligence.
Semester 2
Modules 13-25
3Q Applications
The second semester on 3Q applications examines how to apply strategic intelligence, or spiritual intelligence, to important life skills and work skills. You will learn how to use SQ to be the best you.
Semester 3
Modules 1-9 Integration
Whole-Brain Intelligence
The third semester integrates what went before and deepens your knowledge and appreciation of spiritual intelligence as the new paradigm of the third millennium, representing the meeting of science and spirituality.
Semester 4
Modules 1-9 Advanced Course.
Advanced 3Q Practice
The final semester of the course covers specialised topics of particular relevance to coaches and trainers, and offers guidance for advanced practice of spiritual intelligence.
Certification as a 3Q Practitioner has four components: written answers to questions, a short presentation online, live Q & A, and brain monitoring assessment.
3Q Academy
The 3Q Academy is the professional association of Certified 3Q Practitioners. The mission of the 3Q Academy is to make available training and coaching in spiritual intelligence worldwide. Certified 3Q Practitioner are provided with the materials to lead 3Q training and coaching programs, and the 3Q Institute provides marketing and referral support. If you want to contribute at the forefront of planetary evolution, while doing what you love, now is the time to join us.
What 3Q Practitioners Are Saying
“It has been an amazing journey of self-discovery during the completion of this course. I do believe that the 3Q process unlocks the power to unite mind, body and soul . It definitely emerges as a new paradigm of intelligence by putting our soul in command of our ego and ultimately infuses us with soul energy. I have no hesitation in recommending the 3Q practitioner course. It is the way forward in order to harness our strengths, help others and improve society by using a higher dimension of our intelligence. I look forward to using it in the work that I do as a corporate trainer.”
Anita DeMonte – Coach and Trainer
“The 3Q Practitioner Training course provides a framework for understanding your own experience and for understanding the spiritual process. As a corporate lawyer of 25 years experience, this course has been invaluable. What I learned on this course has become the cornerstone of everything I do personally and professionally.”
Victoria Stewart – Corporate Lawyer
“This course was the culmination of everything I had learned up to now about psychology and spirituality. The knowledge I acquired about spiritual intelligence completed all my previous learning. As a life coach and trainer, I recommend this course to other coaches who want the best methodology for personal transformation for the benefit of their clients.”
Zdenka Nikolovska – Corporate Trainer
“Having completed the 3Q Practitioner Training course, which I undertook for my own interest and development, I would like to thank you most sincerely for what is a radically clear, easy to understand explanation of what is often considered unfathomable. It is my experience that at some level or another we are all working towards an understand of ‘our true nature’ – that at some level we are aware that there is more to us than the mind, body and ego.
Jane Colebourn – CranioSacral Practitioner
“3Q has not only greatly helped me in my personal growth but also inspired me to move ahead and use 3Q in the work I do as a trainer and coach. I highly recommend the 3Q practitioner training course.”
Rajesh Naidu – Corporate Trainer
“When I first encountered 3Q I was utterly shocked to discover that all my 20 years of spiritual quest in yoga and meditation practice, readings and understandings of spiritual matters have been summarized perfectly in such a precise and concise way. 3Q brought such a clear understanding for me as a spiritual seeker, that I was shocked by the fact that I was not able to find this clarity in all those years of practice and searching.”
Bastianela Gloria – Coach and Trainer
“I started in my late teens asking myself the question about « Who am I? » and if God truly existed and what it would mean to me in my life and in my relationships. Indeed, I couldn’t understand wars, the suffering and the cruelty we, as humans, have been able to engage with on both sides as persecutors or as victims. It tore my heart and the quest started.
I stopped watching the news and preferred searching answers from psychology and all spiritual – yet mystical branches or philosophical – traditions. I needed to understand who I am, who we are and why we do what we do because I dreamt daily and nightly for deep peace in our hearts and the ability to express infinite Love towards ourselves and in our relationships. To me, it seemed so simple to speak my heart and yet so many seemed to have forgotten.”
Eirene Koyada – Medical Practitioner
Join Us Now
Training in spiritual intelligence is in demand worldwide, not only in the corporate area, but also in colleges and universities, and for the general public. If you train as a Practitioner now, you will be well-positioned to meet the growing demand for your expertise, as a coach or trainer or both.
More Information
Click the button below to find out the cost of the course and how to apply to attend.
© 2014 – 2024, Richard Griffiths.
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