The Neuroscience of Spiritual Intelligence

Three Dimensions of Intelligence

Three Dimensions of Intelligence

Three Modes of Brain Processing

Neurological studies have established that the brain has three distinct processing modes, called serial, parallel and synchronous. Serial processing is associated with IQ functions in the left brain. Parallel processing is associated with EQ functions in the right brain. And synchronous processing is associated with SQ functions in the whole brain [1].

Neural Basis for Spiritual Intelligence

Oscillations at 40Hz propagate across the whole brain synchronously, and are associated with conscious attention and the state of presence. By linking part-brain functions from both hemispheres into the integrated field of the whole brain, 40Hz synchronous oscillations connect mind, self and world into a meaningful whole. Consequently 40Hz oscillations constitute the neural basis for SQ.

SQ Brain Circuitry

Recent findings in neuroscience confirm that spiritual intelligence is hard-wired in the human brain. But SQ brain circuitry remains largely dormant and undeveloped unless the SQ neural network is actually used. Random moments of spiritual intelligence occur spontaneously, but not very often. Therefore it’s important to know how to activate SQ intentionally, thus converting spiritual intelligence from a random fleeting experience, into your most valuable personal resource. This video provides step-by-step instructions on how to activate SQ intentionally.

Neuroscience confirms that spiritual intelligence is hard-wired in the human brain.

Qualities of Spiritual Intelligence

The qualities of spiritual intelligence are the native qualities of consciousness itself, which are experienced at the subject-pole of attention in moments of presence in the form of wisdom, compassion, integrity, joy, love, creativity, and peace. By identifying with consciousness itself, instead of identifying with states of body and mind, we activate spiritual intelligence and thus experience its qualities. This shift in identification corresponds to the shift from ego to soul. Spiritual intelligence is therefore the intelligence of the soul.

Twi Poles of Attention

Human Operating System

Brain Plasticity

Studies on brain plasticity have established that neural pathways are highly malleable [2]. New neural pathways grow quickly in the human brain, and are strengthened by sustained and repeated use. For example, taxi drivers have an enlarged part of the brain that deals with direction-finding. And violin players have an enlarged brain area that deals with the left hand, but not with the right hand, which reflects the extra dexterity required to control the left hand on the strings, in comparison to to the right hand holding the bow [3]. Likewise, frequent use of the SQ neural network evolves a brain optimised for spiritual intelligence. This translates into an ability to sustain spiritual intelligence in association with any circumstances at the object-pole. Ultimately continued practice results in a 3Q brain (IQ+EQ+SQ=3Q), by means of neuroplasticity. A 3Q brain is structurally and permanently polarised to the subject-pole. With a 3Q brain you simply abide effortlessly as consciousness itself, and your spiritual intelligence is therefore active, without needing to use a practice.

Consciousness is Not a Product of the Brain

Recent studies in post-materialist science confirm that consciousness is not a product of the brain, contrary to the materialist point of view that still prevails in mainstream neuroscience. These studies provide evidence that consciousness continues in the absence of brain activity. Some of these studies are based on the experience of patients in surgery. In some cases, after recovering from an operation, patient’s were able to give accurate reports of events that occurred in the operating theatre during the time that their brains were not functioning. Evidently consciousness does not depend on the brain. The brain is the receiver of consciousness, not the source of consciousness. These studies represent scientific evidence for the existence of consciousness independent of the brain.

The 3Q Brain

The 3Q brain (IQ+EQ+SQ=3Q) is optimised neurologically for spiritual intelligence. The default setting of attention in the 3Q brain is at the subject-pole of attention, not at the object-pole of attention [4]. The 3Q brain therefore replaces the ego with the soul, both as the seat of personal identity, and as the governor of IQ and EQ. The 3Q brain uses IQ and EQ not to pursue the goals of the ego, but to express the qualities of the soul, which are experienced at the subject-pole of attention in moments of presence, in the form of wisdom, compassion, integrity, joy, love, creativity, and peace.

Neuro-psychology of the Soul

Neuroscience has identified the particular type of brain processing associated with spiritual intelligence, as detailed above. The SQ paradigm combines this neuroscientific evidence with findings from psycho-analysis, and with the evidence from cognitive and transpersonal psychology [5]. The resulting inter-disciplinary synthesis reveals that spiritual intelligence is associated with a particular sense of self, distinct from the ego, with a specific neurological signature, that shares the qualities and capabilities ascribed to the soul by religious traditions. The SQ paradigm therefore represents the neuro-psychology of the soul.

Realisation of the Soul

According to traditional religious beliefs, soul realisation is a supernatural experience. But the SQ paradigm identifies the realisation of the soul not as a supernatural experience but as a psycho-physical process by means of which the brain is optimised neurologically for spiritual intelligence. SQ brain circuitry is developed by transit through the SQ Portal as a means of experiencing spiritual intelligence. Frequent and sustained activation of spiritual intelligence eventually shifts the default setting of attention from the object-pole to the subject-pole of attention on a permanent basis, as a result of the neuro-plasticity of the brain.

By identifying with consciousness itself at the subject-pole of attention, instead of identifying with states of body and mind at the object-pole of attention, this shift in polarity replaces the ego with the soul, not only as the governor of IQ and EQ, but also as the conscious seat of personal identity. By virtue of continuous uninterrupted access to spiritual intelligence, the 3Q brain therefore represents the realisation of the soul.

Human Evolution

Human evolution proceeds at multiple levels, from modifying the shape of the body, to evolving the brain to a more advanced level of functioning. SQ represents the next level of functioning beyond IQ and EQ. Thus human evolution is proceeding in the direction of developing the high performance 3Q brain. The emergence of spiritual intelligence into mainstream consciousness therefore signals the beginning of a new stage in human evolution governed by a higher dimension of intelligence.

The Emergence of Spiritual Intelligence

By sharing spiritual intelligence you are contributing to the evolution of mainstream consciousness. The resulting transformation, both individual and collective, is necessary to meet the challenges and opportunities of the third millennium. Spiritual intelligence therefore represents a higher dimension of intelligence whose time has come.

3Q Training

As a powerful combination of three principal dimensions of intelligence, 3Q represents IQ and EQ in association with SQ. Studies in neuroscience reveal that the experience of spiritual intelligence is correlated with hemispheric synchronisation and whole brain activation [6]. Consequently, coaching in 3Q trains the whole brain. The resulting whole-brain coherence optimises brain function and replaces the ego with the soul by shifting identification from the object-pole to the subject-pole of attention via the SQ portal, which results in greater fulfilment, increased creativity, sharpened intuition, more empathy and compassion, and improved performance on a wide range of work skills and life skills. For information about the 3Q Training Course, click HERE


The SQ paradigm is based on a synthesis combining the wisdom of ancient spiritual traditions with the findings of modern science, as summarised in this article HERE

How to Experience Spiritual Intelligence [Video]

Spiritual intelligence is easy to experience. We all experience SQ spontaneously at times. But spontaneous moments of SQ are rare and unpredictable. Therefore it’s important to know how to experience SQ intentionally. When you can engage your spiritual intelligence voluntarily, at any time of your own choosing, SQ becomes your most powerful personal resource. This video provides step-by-step instructions on how to activate SQ intentionally. Watch the video HERE


3Q Practitioner Training Course

Do you want to accelerate your own personal and spiritual growth, and teach others to do the same? The 3Q Practitioner Training Course trains and certifies Spiritual Intelligence Practitioners.

Spiritual Intelligence is a higher dimension of intelligence beyond the ego that has access to the advanced capabilities of the true self. The methodology used in the Course is secular not religious. Consequently, the methodology is not based on belief but on experience and knowledge, and is backed by evidence from related fields of scientific research. Certified Practitioners are provided with the training materials to coach their clients in spiritual intelligence, and conduct workshops in spiritual intelligence for leaders and organisations, and for the general public.

As the intelligence of the true self beyond the ego, spiritual intelligence (SQ) has many benefits that exceed the scope of intellectual intelligence (IQ) and emotional intelligence (EQ). Spiritual intelligence relieves anxiety and depression and the extreme pain of meaninglessness and despair that is often associated with ego states of awareness. Freedom from ego, as experienced with SQ, grants wisdom and clarity of vision, combined with more empathy and compassion, which increases creativity and intuition, and results in greater personal fulfilment and better performance on important life skills and work skills. Spiritual intelligence therefore represents the most powerful resource for personal and professional growth and fulfilment.

Widespread adoption of spiritual intelligence as a personal code of conduct raises the standard of accountability in collective governance, in response to public demand. When standards in governments and corporations are based on spiritual intelligence, the energy of love will turn into a social and political force, as never before in history. Public training in spiritual intelligence therefore heralds a new era of human rights and social justice, which form the foundation for global cooperative community, shared prosperity, and world peace.

As a 3Q Practitioner you will be equipped to introduce spiritual intelligence in the context of contemporary secular culture, and contribute to the next stage in the evolution of collective consciousness. When a tipping point is reached, the emerging next stage of collective consciousness will result in global transformation, founded not on beliefs of any sort, or on government control, or on mass media narratives enforced by censorship of contrary views, but founded instead on the inherent qualities of consciousness itself, such as love, wisdom, and peace, which everyone can experience by activating their spiritual intelligence.

For more information about the 3Q Practitioner Training Course, click HERE

© 2011 – 2023, Richard Griffiths.

Meet the Author

Richard Griffiths

Richard Griffiths is a psychologist, author, trainer, and public speaker, whose mission is to provide education and training in spiritual intelligence for the benefit of individuals, organisations and the community, and in support and preparation for the emerging next stage of collective consciousness. He is the founder of the 3Q Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, and former National Chairman of the Transpersonal Psychology Section of the Australian Psychological Society. Drawing on decades of research, he is the author of a new framework that unites ancient wisdom with modern knowledge about psychology and spirituality. His work offers a new understanding of the human operating system, and a new method of experiencing a secular form of spiritual intelligence that works instantly, among other significant innovations. He received a global Award for Outstanding Leadership in Education, and has given presentations on spiritual intelligence at international conferences, like the Conference on Advanced Research in Education and the Global Conference on Education and Teaching.

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